Rosales Wesleyan Bible College

Reserved of Rights

Rosales Wesleyan Bible College, Inc., has the right to accept or reject students.


1. Prompt registration is most important in getting a good start in both study and work.

2. Students shall register within the scheduled registration period as provided for in the approved Academic Calendar.

3. Students may be admitted to a class up to two weeks after the scheduled registration only by the approval of the Academic Council.

4. Changes in registration for sound academic reasons maybe allowed during the first two weeks of the semester with the consent of the instructor concerned, the Registrar and the Academic Dean. Changes of program and late registration after the first week of classes will call for a fine of Php100.00 for change of program and Php200.00 for late registration.

5. The first semester of the student’s attendance at the College is a period of probation. During this time, the student should demonstrate scholastic ability, high moral ideals, and willingness to cooperate with every detail of the college programs and activities.

The requirements for admission are:

Incoming Freshman:

  • Application
  • Report Card (Form 138)
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character and/or Recommendation letter from his local church pastor
  • ID pictures: 4 pcs. 2x2
  • Birth Certificate

Incoming freshmen must satisfactorily pass the Diagnostic Examination given after the orientation day.


  • Application
  • Honorable Dismissal
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character
  • Certified True Copy of Grades/OTR
  • Recommendation letter from his local church pastor
  • ID pictures: 4 pcs. 2x2
  • Birth Certificate